
Annamaria Ronca

"Annamaria Ronca is an Italian writer living in Dubai. After graduating in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Naples L'Orientale and a master's degree in African Studies from the Read more"

Annamaria Ronca is an Italian writer living in Dubai.
After graduating in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Naples L'Orientale and a master's degree in African Studies from the IsIAO in Rome, she worked as head of Human Resources for the NGO Doctors Without Borders in Africa, and for some sporting events including the Singapore Youth Olympics.
In her free time she writes for magazines and blogs.
She started the Alex B. adventure series together with her son Alessandro during the Covid 19 pandemic in March 2020.
You have published: Alex B.-adventures in the United Arab Emirates and Alex B. and the case of the ghost boat.

Author's books